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PO Box 396

Berowra Heights

NSW 2082


PH: 0423 363 270

Email Contact Form


Contact Nick Dear

Mobile: 0421 593 998




SAT 7 DEC 2024



Annandale Community Centre, 79 Johnston St, Annandale (NSW)


$8 members/concession, $10 others. Under 18 & 80+ Free.

SPECIAL CHRISTMAS END-OF-YEAR CELEBRATION. Free supper - contributions of finger food and snacks are welcome!

6.30 pm: SAFETY  IN NUMBERS-learn some songs together and play them in the concert. Beginners welcome.

7.30pm - CONCERT acoustic bluegrass & old-time music. Feature band is The Murray Hillbillies.

Jamming all night. Tea, coffee, soft drinks available (bring cash!). 


If you would like to be part of the concert email


Thank you to the Inner West Council for granting us a community rental rate.


If you are unwell, particularly with COVID, please follow health advice and stay home this time. Thanks.


© 1975-2024 Bluegrass & Traditional Country Music Society of Australia. All rights reserved.


Website design: Judy Jones