First Saturday each month (Mar-Dec), 6.30 pm

Annandale Community Centre, 79 Johnston St, Annandale (NSW)

The Sydney Bluegrass & Old-time Music Get-togethers were temporarily suspended from March 2020 because of the Coronavirus pandemic, and this suspension had to be extended through into 2021.






We did manage to come together again in 2021 and had three great nights of community music in April, May and June. Unfortunately, we had more COVID outbreaks in Sydney and had to eventually cancel for the remainder of 2021. 


Now, in 2022, we are back in full strength with the whole community gathering! Workshops, jamming, socialising and an informal concert of acoustic bluegrass & traditional country music.


$8 Concession/BTCMSA Members; $6 Others; Free for under 18 and 80+.

Tea, coffee, drinks and light snacks available.



Check out our Sydney Get-together Facebook page for information about updates on the Get-Together and on other events taking place. 


The Sydney Get-together is held on the first Saturday each month (April-Dec) in the Annandale Community Centre, 79 Johnston St, Annandale.


Safety In Numbers workshop and rehearsal: 6.30pm.

Open mic concert: 7.45pm.

Jamming all night open jams).


Suggested entry donation is $6 BTCMSA members/conc, $8 others (under 18 free). All welcome.

Catch up with others who share your musical interests!


One of the aims is to encourage people to form bands and work on their performance skills. For the concert, preference is given to bands who play bluegrass, old-time or traditional country music. The event is entirely acoustic*, with a great PA provided for the concert.


There are sometimes special concert nights where there is a visiting guest (eg. from the USA) or where one of the local bands is being featured. One thing for sure, it's a different show each month. Everyone volunteers their time.


*Acoustic means totally unplugged, no individual instrument amplifiers or DI's.


JAM SESSIONS ARE OPEN - you are welcome to join in and play bluegrass or old-time acoustic music.


Follow the Sydney Bluegrass & Old-Time Music Get-together on our Sydney Bluegrass Facebook page.


Annandale Community Centre
Annandale Community Centre


PO Box 396

Berowra Heights

NSW 2082


PH: 0423 363 270

Email Contact Form


Contact Nick Dear

Mobile: 0421 593 998




SUN 2 FEB 2025

12 midday - 6pm


Banjo Paterson Park

Punt Rd, Gladesville (NSW)


Open bluegrass & old-time music jam. BYO instrument, family & friends, chair, refreshments. The park is located right on the water, with BBQs, toilets, shade trees, a children’s playground and brush turkeys. We’ll be under the trees near the gazebo - follow your ears. ALL WELCOME! For more details, check out the Sydney Bluegrass & Old-Time Music Facebook page.


© 1975-2024 Bluegrass & Traditional Country Music Society of Australia. All rights reserved.


Website design: Judy Jones